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Long time, no see.

There's this uncle. We all have one. You know what I mean, the guy who you know exists but maybe gets in touch once ever other year, usually when he needs something. Yeah. I'm that guy.

To be fair, keeping in touch with people is hard. I call my mother once every six to eight weeks, my brothers every now and again, usually for a specific reason. Never to just say "How you been?"

I can't help it. I mean nothing by it. I'm just really bad at keeping in touch with people. I suck at keeping in touch with friends, family and of course, you folks. You special few who actually bother to read this blog.

It's not intentional and I certainly don't intend to be rude or ignorant, I just have trouble connecting with people and once connected, with maintaining that. I'm the sort of person who will call you after ten years and act as though it's been a couple of days, because in my mind, it's the same thing.

You see, time doesn't matter. A day, a week, a month or even a decade... it's all the same. It certainly doesn't mean I think any less of you or appreciate you any different from... well, my family. I treat everyone the same, and while it could be argued that I treat everyone equally badly, at least I treat you all equally. That has to count for something right?

Okay, we've established that I am a shitty friend, relative, casual acquaintance or whatever and that's fine. I own that. But I guess, I should really provide some info on what I've been up to for these last few months of ominous silence.

The short answer is... not a lot. I know, it's not a great response and if you are one of those rare, almost mythical creatures, that is a fan of my work.. it's probably a really sucky answer. But hey, my dad died. I'm allowed to use that excuse for a couple more months yeah? I assume there's like a legitimate time limit on how long you're allowed to use that excuse. Hell, if there is, I hope my employer doesn't know about it because I'll milk that as long as possible.

To be fair, while he did die. There was a funeral and everything. He even picked out a poem that is designed to make people cry as much as possible. It was just typical of him. Since then I have been caught up with all manner of bureaucracy. Do you know how much paperwork is involved in getting rid of a corpse? At times, I actually considered just treating it like removing the body of a murder victim and digging a shallow grave in the woods.

As a result of all this nonsense, I have been a little pressed for time. In fact it is 00:22 in my part of the world as I write this and this is likely the first bit of 'quiet time' I've had in a while. That is of course discounting the text I just received from my fathers widow, asking me to meet up to fill out some new form or other. It never ends.

So , I guess long story short, I had lots of plans for a release schedule this year and that has gone right out the window. On the plus side, I am currently writing again and as I read back through what I have, it is quite good if I say so myself. Not the writing, because I suck at that obviously, but the idea at least behind that is pretty darn cool. Things are happening, the stakes are rising and the proverbial brown stuff is hitting the fan. Good times.

It's actually good to be back writing after nearly two months of very little productivity. It is enjoyable and I am as interested to know what will happen to those characters we love as the rest of you are. Here's a hint... it's nothing good. ;)

That being the case, I plan on doing a few things before the end of the year. Please note the use of the word 'plan' since nothing ever seems to go right and after a couple of pretty hellish months where every possible thing that could go wrong did... well, I am preparing for anything.

At least two books will be released. I would prefer three but I do need to factor in some editing time.

The website, yes this place where I am writing this, will be updated at least once a month. More if anything interesting actually happens. (It probably won't.)

More advertising and marketing will be done. You may not care about this since the only reason you are here is because you have acknowledged my existence, but I need to feed and clothe my children so the more people who read my stuff, the better.

A zombie book and the third (likely final for that particular arc) of the Fallen series will be produced.

A new series is coming. Time permitting, some more news of that will follow.

If no news is forthcoming, I shall share various bits of writing about the characters we already know and love. A little more info on side characters and the like. Heck, more info on the main characters. Since Ryan is ridiculously silent on his own background and early life, I shall have to share some for him.

And.. probably some other stuff but this post is already getting long and it is so late here. I should have been in bed an hour ago, seriously. I am old now.

Anyhow, will post again soon. Till then, see ya.

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